Saturday, November 17, 2007


With the holidays coming up we've been thinking here about different worthy charitable organizations. Here, our mailbox has already been filling up and our telephone ringing with various organizations asking for money.
I'd like to highlight some local charities here, and although this one is a national forum, it allows you to help those nearby in a unique way.
The site is filled with requests from teachers across the country, including Maryland, who are looking for funding for various projects. They map out their proposals and then you get a chance to donate as much as you want.
On the homepage you can click on a subject you'd like to give to, or your state. You can even donate in honor or your favorite presidential candidate. (Stephen Colbert's faithful have already contributed more than $60,000.)
Many of these proposals are for schools in Baltimore, in some of the poorest neighborhoods. The cost of these range from $100 (for dry erase boards) to a thousand for audiovisual equipment. Take a look. Some are just heartbreaking to read.

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