Sunday, November 4, 2007

Black Friday on Saturday

Festival in Bel Air was mobbed with shoppers on Saturday morning. The apparent cause was Kohl's early bird sale. Checkout lines on both sides of the store snaked back with at least 20 deep. Someone behind me commented that it looked like Black Friday instead of the first Saturday in November. And it did.
This answered my previously posed question about recession in Harford County. If Kohl's can bring out that many people on a cold Saturday morning, it certainly makes the Christmas season look more optimistic.
Also, driving through the parking lot in Festival while always a challenge, was even moreso with all the bargain hunters (and the ambulance in front of Kohl's where a woman was taken to the hospital). I guess a lot of people were overly anxious to get to those sale prices by the driving methods on display. Honking and lewd hand signals were thankfully missing, however. But I guess maybe drivers were saving those for Black Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The landscaping at Festival looks nice but really impacts driving visibility.