Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Abingdon...No Country for Old Men

Just got back from playing hooky this afternoon at Regal Cinemas where I caught the matinee of "No Country for Old Men."
Some observations:
Regal management, please don't put loud films like Will Farrell's "Semi-Pro" next to a relatively quiet movie from the Coen Brothers. At one point I thought that the loud bass music was actually the soundtrack for my movie. Wrong. I couldn't figure out why the disco beat was accompanying Josh Brolin as he was viewing a deadly scene. It reminded me of when I used to live in an apartment and I could hear the guy next door playing bass.
Also to Regal: I understand now why some art house movies never make it here. I apologize. To my dozen or so other moviegoers who shouted at the screen when the credits rolled, "IS THAT IT?" All movies don't have happy endings. For future reference, if you see a movie with the Coen Brothers on the credits, just skip it.
And they wonder why people aren't going to the movies anymore!

1 comment:

Brandon Corfman said...

Wait for video, man ... there's no such thing as a quiet theater any more.