Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Weird Crosswalk on Tollgate

On Tollgate Road at the new Tiree Court age-restricted condos, little white pillars of crosswalk have sprung up. In theory, it's a good idea to have a spot where the folks can cross the street. In reality, once they cross the street, there's no sidewalk on the other side so they'll have to walk in the driveway or in the grass. It's also almost a full right angle when you're making a right turn into the library.
I think my next poll question might be how long these white posts last. (For reference, see constantly disappearing small white posts at intersection of Tollgate and 24 by Wal-Mart)
While mentioning my favorite place, the library, don't forget that Friday is the library "book fair" at Barnes & Noble. Vouchers should be available at all branches. Presenting a voucher at B&N will give the library a percentage of your purchase.

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