Friday, October 3, 2008

October Odds and Ends

Here at TAA we've been distracted by our new Facebook account and have been ignoring the blog. We've also been out and about and here are some random thoughts/ideas we've been having.

***Construction equipment is now located on Rte. 24 near the 1-95 interchange. Could the Rte. 24 project be about to start? We are doubtful, as there is no money anywhere for anything.
11 a.m. UPDATE: Maybe we're wrong. There are two construction workers with surveying equipment standing in the intersection of Tollgate/Constant Friendship Blvd. Watch out for them!

***The Aegis is reporting that Wegman's is indeed looking at the site on Rte. 24/Plumtree. Wegman's has no comment. We are skeptical about that particular site and believe the county council is trying to do some PR after completely disregarding the zoning board/board of appeals decision about that site. We could be wrong, but the timing of the leak doesn't seem coincidental.

***Uniform meetings are coming to a school near you. We would just like to add to our earlier post. The current dress code is not being enforced properly. Some children are sent home for wearing the same exact clothing as other children who are allowed to remain. It happens and it's not fair.

***Starbuck's has Wi-fi now, but good luck trying to use it. You either have to be an AT&T customer or another carrier we cannot remember, because it is not ours. The baristas said we did not need a password but we did. If any readers can help us with this technical problem we would be grateful. Also, the pumpkin spice latte is delicious.

***In an area this size it is a crime that we do not have a paid fire department. This is not 1960, 1970 or 1980 when people lived/worked in Abingdon. The reality is, people work far away and are pressed for time. Volunteer firefighters should be commended, they go far beyond normal public service. But the county needs to be realistic. There is a limited pool of possible volunteers to draw from. Nobody wants to pay a penny more than they need to for anything, while at the same time complain they have no services.

***Cokesbury Manor, the fairly new subdivision off Abingdon Road, is being used for Section 8 housing because there are no buyers for the homes. Reason: Edgewood school district. The houses are being subdivided and more than one family is living in some of them. We're not speaking against housing for people who need it. The point is, this is tax money that is being lost on these houses. Inadequate schools hurt everyone, not just the students. Everyone.

***Random thought: where is this Main Street everyone keeps talking about? Politicians and pundits keep talking about how the economic crisis is affecting the folks on Main Street. It's not 1950. Main Street is boarded up. And I know Bel Air has a Main Street, but it's not the same idealized version they're referring to. How about this phrase, "the folks in the cul-de-sac"? No?


Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, Wegman's would be so nice.

Anonymous said...

Section 8 is a rental program not a buyer's program so the landlord of the property still pays property tax. However, as Sec.8 the property values may be lower than if it was an owner occupied area.

MCB said...

We heard, but cannot confirm, that banks own the houses. We haven't verified that. But are indeed sure that the houses have been divided up for multiple families.

Anonymous said...

I read that story about Wegman's. They also mentioned property in Box Hill South (squeal!!) Sounds wonderful, but I just can't imagine a Wegman's there so close to the newly renovated Giant and the never renovated Weis.

Hmmm... Section 8 renters living in Cokesbury Manor?? Those houses are freaking enormous.

Due to the fact that I do live in the Edgewood district (but actually in Abingdon), I am very concerned that my street full of (very nice) townhouses will soon become section 8 properties. This affects our decision-making concerning whether or not to stay and improve our current property or cut our losses and move. Our 15year old son; however, likes Edgewood and does not want to leave, so any decision would be made after he graduates. Yes, my child actually likes Edgewood.