Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Harford County BRAC Tour

An article in The Examiner listed places that were on the tour of Harford County for military families from New Jersey. Four busloads of them. Are Harford County taxpayers paying for this? Think about the cost of gasoline alone for four buses. Who was absorbing the cost for this road trip was missing from the article. I thought the entire idea of "winning" BRAC was that people were going to come here, regardless.
Sights on the tour: Ring Factory Elementary, Patterson Mill High School; businesses in downtown Bel Air; Harford Mall, the “big box” retailers and the museums and shops of downtown Havre de Grace; and concluded with a visit to model homes at Bulle Rock.
I guess they missed the lovely sites on Rte. 40. I wonder if the big box retailers included Constant Friendship?


Anonymous said...

I bet the real estate people paid for it. they will be the only ones to benefit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the military is paying.

Anonymous said...

I love it - real estate people paid for it because they will be the only ones to benefit. This attitude is why I can't wait to get out of this county permanently. "Roll up the sidewalks. I got mine, hon." The reason for the bus tour is that there are a lot of highly skilled people that they don't want to lose. I can't blame the people for not wanting to leave the Fort Monmouth area. There aren't enough "native" Harford Countians to fill those jobs -especially considering the pitiful state of education in this county.