Thursday, December 23, 2010

You Know What's Funny?

Receiving a call from Harford County advising patience when driving this evening because of congestion on MD 24 and Tollgate Road.
From our vantage point here at 7:45 p.m. we can see that the traffic is still crawling out of Constant Friendship Blvd. Now certainly this couldn't have been a surprise to anyone, it being a few hours before Christmas. But did the county do anything to prepare for this gridlock? No. They couldn't have just checked to see if maybe the traffic lights were synched? They couldn't have assigned a traffic patrol there earlier today, before the problem started?
We'd like to say that we are hopeful for the future. That when the construction is complete there will be an end to the congestion, which is a daily event, not something just saved for a special occasion. But the new traffic pattern will not address the real problem that the county, in its foresight when giving its blessing to the center failed to address. There's only one way in, and one way out.
So to those people who fought the proposed outlet mall that would have had its own entrance onto Interstate 95 and are probably long gone from Abingdon, we'd like to say thank you very much, and Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Yes I know who you are writing about, they lived in this neighborhood till the middle school flight occurred. Thanks for nothing. The outlet mall would have had 95 access and several entrances. We are so much better off with what we have. (heavy sarcasm)

Larraine said...

Over the years we have had so many big mouths who oppose EVERYTHING. Then they move on, leaving those of us living long term with the mess! Happy Holidays. I did my shopping either outside Harford County, online or for a few quickies - at small outlets like Coffee Coffee or Walgreen's. In and out - that's my motto! Haven't stepped into Harford Mall for years (or Whitemarsh Mall for that matter.) I find Anonymous' comments interesting about the "middle school flight." That's what has happened on the Edgewood side of Abingdon for years. As soon as the kids are Middle School age, it's off to Bel Air or Forest Hill. Still, you can't really blame them, in the end, can you?

Anonymous said...

Well, Larraine, you CAN blame them for moving to Bel Air or Forest Hill. Edgewood Middle and Edgewood High School are schools with a lot of pride that have produced many great students and good citizens in this county. My two sons are examples of this and so are many of their peers.

As for the subject matter of this blog post, yes, the Walmart/Target/BJ's shopping center is a disaster waiting to happen. However, I have hope that the congestion will get better in time after the construction.

I get so tired of people who complain about the influx of shopping options in this area. I consider us to be fortunate that we have choices.

Larraine said...

Dear Anonymous: With all due respect, my own neighborhood had the Edgewood vs. Bel Air fight years ago. I live in Box Hill North, and there was a move on to redistrict us into Edgewood. Back then the problem was that the high school simply did NOT offer the AP choices that Bel Air and Fallston schools did. That was important to me, because my son was bored in school. On the other hand, he liked his AP courses. In addition, it saved me a LOT of money because he graduated from a college a semester early. Since he was going to an expensive private college in Philly, I was glad that he had that opportunity. Hopefully, things are different now. Perhaps you can enlighten me. However, when my son was growing up here, there was NO WAY I was sending him to Edgewood schools. Period.

Anonymous said...

Elitist. As long as your particular child is "challenged"? Puhleeze.