Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crime Wave-Update

Thanks to the anonymous commenter who passed on some info about a suspicious person. But we here at TAA had enough journalism law classes to know that we can't print someone's name and accuse him of being a drug dealer. We can however, report suspicious activity. So if you happen to see a white male in his 20s walking back and forth from Stone Mill Court to the pool on Crisfield Drive and back again pay attention. This is during the day and he seems to be a known entity to those looking for drugs.
To the anonymous commenter who seems positive he's a dealer, just wondering if you called the sheriff's department? Wondering what they said. We here at TAA have been know to spend some time at the pool and we will be on the lookout.

UPDATE: Thanks to the anonymous commenter for this additional information. This suspect has been reported to the police, even videotaped which was turned into the sheriff's department, but so far nothing has been done. Thanks to the vigilance of the commenter for doing the right thing and we hope that readers will also now be on the lookout.
We personally are wondering why the sheriff's department has not done anything about this yet, after multiple complaints.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting this on your site, sorry to be annoymous but like I said he is very dangerous.

Please call the Harford County Drug Hotline if and when you see him. Trust me if you are looking you will see him.

As far as the police go who knows they may be conducting a large invistagation and are just waiting to nap him to try to get bigger fish. It is fustrating.

Anonymous said...

One last request here are the numbers to call to report him. I usually call the Southern Precinct just becasue that deal with our "hood".

Non – Emergency or General Business
Crime/Drug Tip Line
Detention Center
Northern Precinct
Southern Precinct

Anonymous said...

I forwarded this article to some friends of mine in the neighborhood, and one wrote me back saying they saw a guy fitting your description being arrested on Tollgate Rd this past Tuesday (8/18).

p.s. - This is a different "anonymous".

Anonymous said...

Just and FYI: I saw a guy fitting the discription (white male 20's) being arrested Tuesday around 11:45 on Tollgate Rd.

Anonymous said...

follow up:

Some great news! After a lot of concerned people in my neigborhood made calls to the local police. This drug dealer has now been arrested and no longer sells drugs in Constant Woods. Great job to us and the Harford County Police Dept!