Friday, June 13, 2008

TAA Represents

As readers you can tell we're not working for daily newspapers anymore as it's taken us an entire week to report on the community meeting for the new Constant Friendship development adjacent to Target that was held June 5 at the Ramada. But here at TAA we did attend the meeting, which consisted of many concerned community members.
Not really.
Just your TAA correspondent.
So TAA received firsthand all the info. The four buildings are planned for service uses. One confirmed is a daycare center, another not-quite-yet confirmed addition is a ballet studio.
They are not planning on taking additional trees, as most of the area has already been cleared. The design of the buildings will be similar to those of the new buildings near WaWa on 924.
TAA voiced the traffic concerns and that the additional buildings would cause even more chaos. TAA also expressed happiness that it was not another storage facility (which developers did not seem amused by) but that it was going to be for local service people.
Also overhead at meeting, the lot near BJ's that was recently auctioned off was bought by a local hotel/motel developer, but that the Constant Friendship property is not going to be for a hotel/motel.
Developers also seemed to be in the dark about the work on the 24/Tollgate Road intersection that stopped unexpectedly. He said the state made him take down the large sign, cleared trees, and then left. It is still planned. But did the money run out?


Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the Country Buffet by BJ's seems to have closed. Went by there last Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon and it was dark.

MCB said...

I noticed that last week, but couldn't figure out if it was closed, or just emptier than usual. I did notice that they weren't advertising any specials. Is there hope that a good restaurant is on its way? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

If I were to purchase the restaurant that was the Country Kitchen, I'd put something like a Cici's Pizza there. Have you ever seen the number of teens walking up and down Tollgate Road on the weekend? A place like that right across the street from the movie theatre would do great.